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The Intrazone is your bi-weekly conversation and interview podcast hosted by the SharePoint team. The show highlights usage, adoption, and how SharePoint works for you. You’ll hear from guest experts behind the scenes and out in the field. It's all about how SharePoint fits into your everyday work life – the goal being to more easily share and manage content, knowledge and applications, and to empower teamwork throughout your organization with the technology you already have. Get your ears ready and subscribe today!
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Jun 23, 2020

Chris and Mark sit down with Jeff Teper (CVP SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams) to get his take on “how things are going” personally, with Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft 365 service, and his recent connections with the tech community. We discuss the recent response to the COVID-19 crisis, progress on #ProjectCortex, the coming Microsoft Lists, service performance and more. Plus, Jeff reveals a big education metric number about a new feature in Teams; I’ll raise my hand to hear that one!


Click here for full transcript of this episode.

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The Intrazone #51 "Catching up with Jeff Teper" Blog post

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KPMG adopts Microsoft Teams for it's 200,000 employees (video via LinkedIn with Jeff Teper & KPMG)

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